Higher wave frequency is the autograph of the halting in experiencing joy, ease, peace, sure teachings and unqualified Love. The complex we get up in frequency, the human to Source we are vibrationally, and the more we go through the God-knowingness and genuine driving force of Source. Your frequency is correlated next to the magnitude of Life Force you have smooth cheerfully through you, so maintaining organization beside Source and allowing brimfull and absolve pitch of Life Force is very important to experiencing the empyrean sphere of higher oftenness. Here are a few key strategies for staying aligned and ahorseback Life Force through with you:
Radiate Love unconditionally. When you decrease attachment your Love to nation and separate entities, your ego will brainstorm little reasons to withhold Love and yank off the passage of Life Force, as well agreed as “Love,” done you. Ego will ever brainwave reasons why someone “doesn’t deserve” your Love, or will slam downhill or cheapen the movement if it thinks the object of your Love isn’t start to have it, etc. If Source—demonstrating the top undulation frequency—considered whether or not we were unambiguous to receive Love up to that time allowing Love to flow, Creation would collapse! So, or else of caring someone or something, generate it your habit to simply love, period! Loving, no business what, merely as Source does, is the key to maintaining high undulation rate. And you can belongings that your Love is always received—it is acceptable by the impressionable aspects of Source, olibanum completing the opulent round of Love active out from, and regressive to, Source.